

Powerful Web Hosting and Domain Names for Home and Business

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About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 2001, IPOWER has established itself as a leader in the web hosting industry, providing a comprehensive suite of online services for small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. Our custom control panel, vDeck, offers access to more than 200 tools, features, and services, giving our customers a wide selection of web hosting applications available.

Focusing on Our Customers

At IPOWER, our customers aren't faceless numbers. We know them; we listen to them; we implement changes based on their feedback. Our "Customer Experience" team conducts monthly surveys and focus groups to monitor customer satisfaction and find out how we can improve. We perform usability testing on our tools, with real customers, during the development process. Our hosting platform helps ensure that our customers' websites and email are hosted in an environment that is as secure and reliable as possible.

Always Evolving

When a company becomes as successful as IPOWER, it's easy to become complacent. We don't let that happen. We're constantly looking for newer and better ways we can serve our customers. We leverage our position within the industry to forge strong partnerships with industry giants, such as Google, Yahoo!/Bing, WordPress, ShopSite and Facebook.

To keep up with our latest initiatives, follow us on Twitter or check out our blog.